Thursday, March 27, 2008

Use of puppets in museum education

This from Fay Tsitou, Museum Educator & PhD student, Drama and Theatre Department, Royal Holloway University of London (via my CECA contacts): Last September I managed to start a PhD on the way puppets could be used in museum education in Royal Holloway University of London, and this blog address can give you an idea of the whole project. I am interested in doing research internationally and I would like to welcome contact with puppeteers or museum educators working in this area of museum education.

Hi Fay, I don't know of any research specifically in this area – sounds absolutely fascinating and I really liked your blog. The one thing I was involved in some time ago was in the use of persona dolls to research very young childrens' responses to museums. The Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood at the University of Melbourne was involved at that stage. The research didn't go very far as we didn't get funded, as well we felt there were better ways to talk to children about their museum experiences (and we found the persona dolls themselves rather scary!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fay, My name is Fara Pelarek and I work at the Australian Museum, where we recently purchased a live sieze dinosaur puppet (juvenile). We put on regular shows and find that the audience engagment is very different to when we present other topics. The suspension of reality really engages the young, I must say, also the older visitors. I would love to discuss this further with you.

