Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From Taipei, Part 3

Final day of the trip was Monday when I gave two papers:

  • The Role and Development of the Australian Museum Audience Research Centre discussing how the Australian Museum Audience Research Centre was developed using a series of evaluation studies as examples
  • How to be a professional audience researcher using a large evaluation of a Museum exhibition to illustrate how to do audience research

These papers can be found here on my Audience Research wiki.

Here are the other links I promised:

  • Museum professional development and training in Australia: my notes about this talk are here and the PowerPoint slides are online here
  • Older Audiences and Museums publication can be downloaded from the website here
  • Telling Lives exhibition: where visitors could video-tape their response to an exhibition which were then uploaded to YouTube (Inthink, it's been awhile since I looked here
  • Museum 3.0 social network: feel free to join up, ask questions and contribute to discsusions

Finally, thought I'd repeat a quote from my favourite audience researcher, Benjamin Gilman, as we started and finished the day with him:

To fulfil its complete purpose as a show, a museum must do the needful in both ways. It must arrange its contents so that they can be looked at; but also help its average visitors to know what they mean. It must at once install its contents and see to their interpretation. (1918, quoted in Black, 2005).

It's all so simple really...

Anyway, overall a successful trip and looking forward to working together a lot more in the future. Thanks for your hospitality and the poster (which I almost left at Hong Kong airport!) was truly awesome – I'll try find somewhere appropriate to hang it in my new office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear Lynda,
Thank you for giving us a great talk about your audience research development and current issues. It's so great that we can learn from your talk.

Thank you.